Creating a new identity for a 50-year-old brand

Freddie Mac Single-Family
Strategy & Creative Lead

The new Freddie Mac Single-Family CMO was brought in with a bold mandate to transform the marketing and communications of what would be a Fortune 25 company to make them competitive with their industry leader, while also defining a new brand positioning and identity in anticipation for a potential future as a publicly-traded company.

I was fortunate to work closely with the CMO and to lead this rebranding effort, conducting competitive and market analysis, exploring potential directions, writing core brand assets, creating the new visual identity and design system, and much more.

Once developed and approved Leadership, we led the effort to formalize the new brand in a way that was accessible to the company. Working with the CMO's office, we codified the standards, and developed the playbooks, content and processes necessary to train the organization, encourage adoption and incorporate on-going reviews and feedback.

Maybe we should make something interesting together.

Let's talk.

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